

Raspberry Piを購入した

すこし考えている事もあり、35$のクレジットカードサイズPC「Raspberry Pi」を購入してみた。というわけで今回のブログは購入記などを中心に。注文から約1ヶ月で到着したことになる。


  • 2013/1/22 RS Componentsのオンラインサイトで発注(TYPE-B)。Standard Delivery (Despatch expected within 1 week(s))と書いてあるので意外とすぐに届くのかな?と考えていた。
  • 2013/2/12 まったく音沙汰が無いので心配になり、以下のメールを送付してみた。

I placed an order for Raspberry Pi Type B(order reference number:XXXXXXXXXX) on JAN.22,2013.,
but I have not received anything so far.

Was it shipped?

Would you please check on your document immediately?
Please let me know the results of your investigation.

  • 2013/2/15 在庫に何か問題があったらしいという回答が来る。とはいえそろそろ発送されそうだ

Good Afternoon Kent,

Thank you for your email. Apologies for the delay in replying.

We have been experiencing some stock issues; however we are expecting to dispatch your order by the end of the week at the latest.

You will receive a dispatch confirmation email when your order has been processed.

Thank you for your continued patience and apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Kind Regards,
Raspberry PI Team

  • しかし、待てども発送通知メールは送られて来ない。大丈夫か?
  • 2013/2/20頃 国際郵便の不在通知が届いていた。結局発送通知メールは来なかった。
  • 2013/2/23 再配達で到着 ヽ(´ー`)ノ


Raspberry Piについて

既にネットで様々な情報があふれているので改めて語ることは無いのだけれども、個人的には「The Raspberry Pi Education Manual」に書かれている説明がとても素敵だと思う。

What is the Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a computer, very like the computers with which you’re already familiar. It uses a different kind of processor, so you can’t install Microsoft Windows on it. But you can install several versions of the Linux operating system that look and feel very much like Windows. If you want to, you can use the Raspberry Pi to surf the internet, send an email or write a letter using a word processor. But you can also do so much more.

Easy to use but powerful, affordable and (as long as you’re careful) difficult to break, the Raspberry Pi is the perfect tool for aspiring computer scientists. What do we mean by computer science? We mean learning how computers work so you can make them do what you want them to do, not what someone else thinks you should do with them.

And who do we mean by computer scientists? We mean you. You may finish this manual and decide you want to be next Tim Berners Lee, but even if you don’t, we hope you have fun, learn something new and get a feel for how computers work. Because no matter what you do in life, computers are bound to be part of it.
The Raspberry Pi Education Manual(PDF)